How it Works
United Medical Solutions
Easy as 1, 2, 3.
How does United Medical Solutions Work? Our simplified process takes all the hard work out of your hands!
United Medical Solutions — How it Works
Call Customer Service
When you need assistance with a particular part of the service all you have to do is call 1-866-804-6990 and speak to a highly trained United Medical Solutions specialist.
We'll do the Research
Your advocate will diligently go to work and will inform you of all the best available solutions. We will make sure you are a completely satisfied customer before the end of the call.
Save time and money!
Lastly, we politely inform you that you might get a survey to rate your overall experience. Your time and feedback are highly valued. We will also contact you with any additional available options/solutions to ensure you get the best savings and convenience possible.
Enroll Today!
Get help for less than a dollar a day! Become a member for a Low Monthly Payment of Only $22.99 You may cancel at anytime. Call 1-888-910-5996 to enroll! Family Plan: $39.95/mo
a month per person or $39.95 / family
5703 Red Bug Lake Rd. Ste 514
Winter Springs, FL. 32708